by ATOYEBI Samuel
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Erase the mistakesIf you see anybody that doesn’t make mistakes, that’s the example of a mediocre you need to know. Every great person made mistakes at some points in life, just that they tried not to make the same mistake twice. MIS-TAKE means; you didn’t take right decision at that time. No doubt, some mistakes are more expensive than the other, but if it doesn’t cost life;

1. DON’T STOP: Its the lie of the devil to stop trying because you made a mistake. Stagnant water stinks. Its only a bicycle on motion that maintains balance. Those who stop trying, start reducing in life. Your next take might be the main take. Keep taking calculated risks. The more you try the closer you get to success.

2. CHANGE DIRECTION: Its just a bend, not an end. Don’t end the motion, simply change direction. Most times when people make mistakes, they make it worse by their arrogance and defensiveness. They keep trying to justify, rationalize and stand their ground. That’s the path of repeated failure and stunted growth. Make a U-Turn today, when you MIS-TAKE, RETRACE and then RETAKE.

3. ASK FOR HELP: Most people would have gone far in life but are where they are because when they MIS-TAKE they refuse to ask for help. God is your No. 1 helper. Shift your reliance from yourself to God. Your friends are also your ‘fence’. Seek counsel, have a coach, and a man of God.

©Hon. Psalm 28/03/2013
PIN: 22B9681B
Blog: http://honpsalm.wordpress.com
Twitter: @Atoyebi
E-mail: atoyebabs@yahoo.com

I will be a year older on Monday(1/04/2013), nothing has ever made me feel more like a winner than the testimonies of lives transformed positively by God through me, hundreds of thousands of lives that have been changed through my writing by the Holy Spirit. Join me as we intentionally touch lives in the month of April by feeding the poor, even if you cannot get to the orphanage, locate somebody that’s helplessly hungry and feed him or her. I pray God will bless you abundantly and make you a blessing to your generation in Jesus name.

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