It Matters

by ATOYEBI Samuel
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We all have needs, its just that our needs vary. But whether you want to increase your focus, boost your happiness, rocket your energy levels or turbo-charge your creativity; your input cannot be replaced with anything. You’ve heard some things before but you ignored them thinking they don’t really matter whereas its a MATTER THAT MATTERS. Whether you realize it or not:

1. Thought makes it Though: Most mountains that obstruct humans from excelling in life exist only in their thought. Step out, create and shape your life with positive thoughts. All things that become part of your physical reality are first created in the mind from the raw material of your thought. When you think a thought, you issue a command. Physical reality is a reflection of your thought pattern. Change your thought pattern, and you change the reflection in the mirror.

2. Emotion affects Motion: I still define emotion as energy in motion. When you’re under a lot of stress, you tend to become hypersensitive, lonely and self-centered which reduces productivity. Keep your emotions in check! Don’t fly off the handle. Keep calm. If you have no idea where the chips will fall, don’t rock the table. Think clearly.

3. Blame Lame Productivity-rate: The blame game is a frame of shame. Give up on blame, it has flame that scotches ones success. You say you are not capable when you blame people or things. Start taking responsibility for your life.

©Hon. Psalm 07/03/2013
PIN: 22B9681B
Twitter: @Atoyebi

Every day that you have, you have the opportunity to make incredible things happen and there is no better day than TODAY! Start being the best YOU. I pray our feet shall be ordered to our place of abundance where we’ll have more than enough of our godly desires in Jesus. name.

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