Home Let's reason together The Journey to Accomplishment

The Journey to Accomplishment

by ATOYEBI Samuel
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GreatnessBy now the journey to accomplishment should have gained motion, your plan to make 2013 better should have started now however small. Only those who start, gets somewhere. All great achievers started by trying. Some failed, made mistakes, but they knew it was part of the journey. They did not sit with their plans but went on to see the change they desired. MATTER THAT MATTERS this week believe 2013 will be better if we;

1. Face front: If you have a bad last year, leave it behind and face the future. Any attempt to spend more time to worry over it is shortcut to worse future. Your future may not be delivered from the womb until your past is delivered to the tomb. Enough of drawing inferences from your past bad experience of life. Whenever you face the past, you have turned your back on the future.

2. Fast forward: Your expectation for this year, someone has left it behind, I mean ‘your future is someone else’s past’. Don’t waste time chasing the right thing using a wrong method. Look for people that are better and greater than you, rub minds together, it will make you arrive at your destination faster than they did. You may not see them physically, it may be in written or spoken format.

3. Force the Form: Make things happen rather than take things as they happen. ‘The turtle doesn’t get ahead until it sticks out its head.’ If you desire a positive change this year, then, you should be ready to dare a lot. If you persist on the change you desire, I’m sure something will change; your situation or you. The promise land is flowing with milk and honey but you need to find your way there.

©Hon. Psalm 10/01/2013
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Blog: http://honpsalm.wordpress.com
Twitter: @Atoyebi
E-mail: hon.psalm@gmail.com

Don’t quit trying. Nature doesn’t swallow labour, there is reward for every labour in life, your labour will be rewarded accordingly. One reward can pay you arrears of all previous labours.

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