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God Answers Prayers

by ATOYEBI Samuel
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Maybe the reason why some people have not received the answer to their prayers is because they are asking for daily bread, when what God has for them is a bakery.

He can give bread and bakery but why swim in a poll when you have the ability for the sea?

Come to think of it, if a person has spent years praying that God should bless him and things are not fitting into expected shape, it’s not a crime to change the prayer from God bless me to God make me a blessing.

‘…gives seed to the sower, and bread to the eater’ why not ask for seed.

But for real, sometimes I wish prayer could be like BBM chat, So that I will see ‘D’ when my prayer is delivered and ‘R’ when read and see ‘is writing a message’ when God is replying me.

Anyways, God answers prayers, I’m sure He does. The problem is that some people don’t even have accurate knowledge of the God that answers prayer, they just want what HE can offer.

Your prayers to succeed had been answered, I believe you know that you have within you all of the qualities and element that are necessary to make you a success. We are all created with something to make a difference in the world;

1. Discover it: The strongest fish in the sea will struggle to survive in the forest. Give Lionel Messi Elton John’s band and lyrics to Elton John songs to sing, no amount of training will make him outshine Elton John.

2. Humble yourself: It is better to be number two of something than number one of nothing. Don’t despise the days of little beginnings, First Bank didn’t start big, Bishop Oyedepo didn’t start in Cannaland. What’s that small thing, worthless, or too small for your degree? (Lumbermen always build roads to the timber they wish to market) Add your education to it and it will grow.

3. Be patient: It takes time for a seed to birth another. The point is that you keep trying until you succeed. Most people quit too soon. Be persistent. Concentrate on your major goal until you have achieved it. Just believe it will work out, and don’t stop working.

The Lord will open your eyes to every opportunity to forge ahead in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

ATOYEBI Samuel | September 12, 2013
BB PIN: 2369EC8C | Twitter: @Atoyebi_Samuel
Blog: http://mtm.consultdsk.com/
✉: mtm@consultdsk.com

Posted by ATOYEBI Samuel Babajide (Hon. Psalm) from www.consultdsk.com

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