Home Matters That Matter Grow Above Normalcy

Grow Above Normalcy

by ATOYEBI Samuel
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Atoyebi Samuel Babajide On this week’s edition of MATTER THAT MATTERS, I want to welcome you to your month of expansion. God had loaded this month with blessings, yet you can’t sit back, you need to be involved show your determination and intent. The best time to enlarge your tent is now. Grow above ‘normalcy’.

All our lives we are pushed into the crowd to fit in. We’ve been made to believe some things are done only when there are issues, challenges or problems. Whereas those things could better position us to make our supposed stumbling blocks our valuable blocks in building our glorious mansion in life. Things like;

1. THINKING: Our society make us believe that only those who have problems thinks. Thinking should be done per seconds, do analytical and critical thinking before taking any decision (major or minor). You must think ahead to be the head. Develop your capacity for ethical reasoning. Be willing to engage in hard, solid thinking as hobby, so that you will not have to think under duress.

2. RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD: Your relationship with God should not be problem driven or religious. Don’t wait until things get out of hand before you move close to your maker. It’s a matter of time, any river that detach from its source will dry. Return to God and do HIS will. Make God your number 1 consultant and closest confidant.

3. PRAYER: Don’t wait for moments of deep discouragement before you pray; the rule is, ‘pray without ceasing’. Prayer is not an idle amusement but the most potent instrument in life. Prayer is conversation between you and God. ‘Watch and pray’.

©02/05/2013 ATOYEBI, Samuel B.
(Hon. Psalm)
PIN: 2369EC8C
Blog: http://honpsalm.wordpress.com
Twitter: @Atoyebi
E-mail: atoyebabs@yahoo.com

Its better to dig the well before you are thirsty, cross the bridge before you get there; think, pray and move close to God.

I pray that all those that look down on you will look up to you In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth

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